Unlike Social Media advertising, a boosted post expands the reach of a normal post found in a news feed. This ensures that your post is seen by a greater number of users, or seen more often by social users who are likely to connect with your content.
Unlike Social Media advertising, a boosted post expands the reach of a normal post found in a news feed. This ensures that your post is seen by a greater number of users, or seen more often by social users who are likely to connect with your content.
Social Media platforms offer highly specific ad targeting options. This allows you to focus your advertising dollars based on a user’s age, gender, location, interests, and more. Today, they are probably the most advanced advertising solutions available.
Social media marketing can work for almost any company. It allows for current and future customers to connect with the products and services your company provides. Social media marketing (SMM) provides a platform to advertise and share your business's offerings to a wide audience or a very specific demographic.
Social media advertising costs vary from platform to platform. Similar to pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns offered by search engines, they allow for a daily budget. Our social media packages can be boosted to expand your audience or enhanced with demographic-optimized marketing assets backed with advertising dollars to reach very specific groups of social media users.
There's not just one goal that social media marketers are aiming for. Our job is to increase your company's visibility; generate more traffic to your website; promote brand awareness and loyalty; generate new leads and contacts; and ultimately increase sales.
Our reporting consists of monthly overviews for each subscribed platform, depicting relevant performance statistics that can be used to fine-tune your company's message for even better user consumption.
Social media advertising is a powerful tool that should be taken very seriously these days. If you have an employee that you can dedicate to managing your social media with a successful advertising background, please send us their name and number–we're always looking for new talent. All kidding aside, our social media managers work diligently to engage your consumers, increase traffic, generate positive leads, and funnel those leads to eventual sales. Even though some employees suffer from social media withdrawals while at work, they are most likely the best suited for the original role you hired them for.
Our social media packages are grouped by cost and charged monthly. We offer the packages ala cart because each business is different and each business can have different seasonal needs. If you're not sure which package is right for you, don't hesitate to give us a call at (760) 444-0557 for some helpful insights.